We support Michigan school districts as they navigate School Based Services Program (SBS).

Relay offers Michigan flexible options to manage your own Medicaid program or receive full support. Our platform and best-in-class data reporting help you review, assess, and streamline your program to save staff time and stress. We can also help districts explore options as they embark on the complexities of free care expansion.

Get Started
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“Relay has provided us with a high level of technical expertise and responsive communication that allowed us to realize significant revenue and increase Medicaid claiming. Their robust reporting tools and data improve provider compliance and efficiency.”

Robert Swan

Director of Special Education


  • Streamline C4S

    Integrates with BHworks mdlogix for C4S program

  • Reduce Data Entry

    Relay works with SIS and IEP systems, like PowerSchool and Mipsy

  • Eligibility

    Offers dual processes for automatic eligibility through NPHI and 270/271

  • Program Review

    Provides IEP Validation and monthly summaries

Discover how Relay can help in your district by scheduling a chat with a Michigan Medicaid specialist or scheduling a demo.

Michigan School Medicaid Coverage

Evaluations and Tests

Nursing Services

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Speech Therapy

Personal Care

Physician Services

Psychiatrist Services

Psychological, Counseling, Social Work and Behavioral Health

Specialized Transportation

Case Management

Audiological Services

Orientation and Mobility

Eligibility & Billing in Michigan

Michigan defines eligibility as Medicaid-eligible children, birth to 21 for covered, medically necessary services provided pursuant to an IEP/IFSP, as well as medical or behavioral health services identified as medically necessary including, but not limited to, a Section 504 accommodation plan, or an individualized health care plan. The billing providers are enrolled intermediate school districts, Detroit public school’s community district, and the Michigan School for the Deaf. Individual rendering providers are not required to enroll separately in Medicaid to bill for school-based services.

About Michigan School Medicaid

Supervision Sign Off Needed

Modifiers on Procedure Codes Needed

Prescriptions Needed


Free Care Expansion

Approved SPA to expand coverage to all Medicaid-enrolled students.


Please fill out the form below if you are interested in talking to one of our team members about bringing Relay to your state. We will aim to answer all requests as soon as possible.


*This information is based upon review of publicly available documents as of 2021 and is subject to change at any time. This information should not be considered as legal or compliance advice. Contact individual states or Relay to verify Medicaid program requirements.

Healthy Students, Promising Futures “Free Care” Rule:


Overview of School Services Program (SSP) (michigan.gov)
